ELIGIBILITY: High school students who have completed their Junior year; interested in government and current events; have high moral character; show strong leadership abilities; and demonstrate above-average scholastic achievement.
What is Girls State:
The American Legion Girl State program, first presented in the late 1930s, is one of the most respected experiential learning programs in the United States. Girls State participants become extremely knowledgeable about the democratic process and how our republic works at the state and national levels. About 20,000 young women participate in the week long program across the nation each summer. Participants assume roles of government leaders and elected officials. During the immersive-learning program, girls live in "cities" within the dormitory on a college or university campus. The knowledge, memories, and friendships they take home last a lifetime.
Program Objective:
Develop leadership and pride in American citizens. Educate citizens about our system of government. Instills a greater understanding of American traditions. Simulates a desire to maintain a democratic governmental processes within or republic.
For information on Girl State please contact you local American Legion Auxiliary unit or visit